

Using high-quality nutrient sources is key during the cannabis growth cycle. By doing so, you avoid the risk of nutrient deficiencies in your plants. Deficiencies …

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Silicon (Si) is a bioactive element associated with beneficial effects on the mechanical and physiological properties of plants Silica alleviates abiotic and biotic stresses and …

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The use of beneficial microbes is not only demonstrated to control/eradicate pathogens but also to enhance yields through hormone stimulation, enzyme production, and other mechanisms. …

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A Gardening Secret from the Desert Plants are good at making chemicals, and plants that have adapted to harsh conditions produce numerous bio-chemicals to deal …

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Fulvic Acid

‘Fulvic acid’ (FA) is one of the most important and active humate extracts, it is water-soluble and is chemically active, and readily available for uptake …

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